Neural Radiance Fields (NeRFs)

What is a NeRF?

Fair question. A Neural Radiance Field is a complex AI-powered network that uses 2D images or video to guess what an object looks like from new viewpoints. The output of NeRF processing differs a bit from traditional photogrammetry, but has some advantages as well. For instance, a NeRF can capture reflective and translucent surfaces that photogrammetry struggles to reproduce.

What do I do with it?

Another fair question. NeRF outputs are gaining applications every day!

These “models” and the rendered video they produce are excellent for marketing, virtual production, and detailed preservation. They are especially useful in strictly visual applications, and can be directly incorporated into gaming environments through Unreal Engine.

At Aerostade, we are developing a method to integrate NeRF processing into inspection tools.